Creating an AR (Augmented Reality) web app requires a combination of web development and AR-specific technologies. 

Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you get started:

1. Learn the Basics of Web Development
If you don’t already have a strong web development background, start with:

  • HTML, CSS, and JavaScript: These are the core building blocks for any web app.
  • Web frameworks/libraries: Learn modern frameworks like React.js or Vue.js to structure your app.

2. Understand AR Concepts
AR involves blending digital content with the real world through a camera. Some basic AR concepts to explore include:

  • Tracking: Detecting objects or features in the real world (e.g., image markers, planes, faces).
  • Rendering: Placing 3D objects in the real-world environment.
  • Interaction: Allowing users to interact with AR elements.


3. Choose AR Libraries/Frameworks for the Web
For web-based AR, here are popular libraries and frameworks that will simplify development:

  • AR.js: One of the easiest-to-use open-source AR libraries for the web. It integrates with
  • Three.js for 3D rendering.
    Three.js: A JavaScript library for rendering 3D models and scenes in the browser. Used often with AR.js.
  • WebXR: A more advanced API for both AR and VR applications in browsers. It’s supported by most modern browsers.
  • A-Frame: A framework built on top of Three.js that makes building AR/VR experiences simpler, with a focus on declarative HTML-based coding.

4. Install the Development Environment

  • Code Editor: Use a code editor like Visual Studio Code.
  • Node.js: Install Node.js to set up a local server and manage dependencies using npm (Node Package Manager).
  • WebXR Emulator Extension: A browser extension for testing AR experiences in your browser without a physical AR device.

5. Start Small: Build a Basic AR App
Build a simple AR app to get the hang of it:

Example: A basic AR app that overlays a 3D model on an image marker (using AR.js).
Use a simple image marker to trigger the AR experience.
Load a 3D object using Three.js or A-Frame.

6. Test on Multiple Devices
Since AR is dependent on hardware (like cameras), testing across different devices is important to ensure compatibility.


7. Deploy and Host Your AR Web App
Once you have developed your app, you can deploy it to the web. Some hosting options:

  • GitHub Pages (for static hosting)
  • Netlify (great for deploying React/Vue-based apps)
  • Vercel

8. Add More Advanced Features
Once you have a basic AR app working, consider adding more complex features:

  • Face tracking or hand gestures: WebXR or third-party libraries can help.
  • Object detection: Integrate machine learning models to detect real-world objects.
  • Real-time interaction: Allow users to interact with AR elements using touch or gestures.

Tools and Resources:

  • AR.js official documentation:
  • Three.js official website:
  • WebXR resources:
  • A-Frame documentation: